From the company: Load ‘em! Link ‘em! Launch ‘em! Create high-flying, chain-reaction fun with new ZipLinx from Blip Toys! Blip Toys will be launching two Zip Linx sets: ZipLinx Triple Tower Blast and Zip Linx Hi-Fly Set. Both sets deliver a different eye-popping payoff to the classic domino run–launching pieces up to three-feet high into the air! The magic of the ZipLinx system is the ease of set up AND no accidental starts of your run. Your design won’t “pop” until you lay in the special Linx Launcher Key. Each uniquely designed 3.3” x-shaped, interlocking ZipLinx piece lets you create an unlimited number of designs.
From The Giz Wiz: Chad & I both liked these kits. They should provide a lot of family fun. And the starter set at about $20 seems very reasonable.
Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/fXjZrb2Wbl4
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