Chad & I love Five Below. We’ve both bought a lot of stuff there for ourselves and for the show. The 3 gadgets you’ll see on this week’s show aren’t in stores yet. They are holiday items that are expected to be available probably starting in October. There’s an LED keyboard from their Bugha Gaming line that I tried and like a lot. The key travel is deep which Chad said gamers like. The USB powered LED keyboard is always lit when powered by the computer. There is no way to shut or vary the lighting. I think it’s good looking and it’s going to be one of their Five Beyond items, selling most likely for $10. A way low price for an LED gaming keyboard. There will be a matching LED mouse, also $10. And finally there’s a giant plush USB ENTER KEY, which really works, but it more of a novelty item unless you really wish you had a giant plush enter key! That too should be $10. Stores or their website, most likely starting October, 2022.
Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/bvtUishkzUU
See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/1897