One of the most given answers were something to do with a Minion. We picked three.

It is a sunglass for Kevin, the one eyed Minion. Roger S.

Looks like a Diving Helmet for Minions – Darn Kerner

Fozzie Bear halloween mask for a Minion! Beckee

More than Minion answers, were ‘bear’ answers. We picked four.

Classical bear singing an opera dramatic finale. John G.

A portable black hole with cute bear ears. – Sean

The last image seen by a slow running hiker before being eaten by a hungry bear. Gus

Teddy-Bear-izer. Push the button, it puts your picture in the center and makes you a Teddy Bear! Ian Winkler 

Then, a lot of ‘helmet’ answers!

A Space Helmet for Winnie the Pooh”. Jeff and Adam

Mickey Mouse’s old diving helmet. Don Raisor, Jr.

It looks like a helmet for Kenny,from Southpark. Keith Phillip

Other winners:

It is a stargate for fleas. Ceasar

Golden-hued trophy marked with an “L”, given to Golden Globes losers. Dan Mottola

WINNERS Who live in the U.S. & most of Canada get the February 2025 MAD issue! MAD moved to LA in December 2017 but I’m continuing the WTHII game and sending out MAD magazines to winners since so many people say they love to play it. Winners of MAD magazine are for US addresses & Canada. If you win and live in the US or Canada, email me your full name & address and put MAD WINNER in the subject so I can pick it out easily. I’ll autograph your MAD with your first name & my name unless you specify “Dick’s name only”. If you won this game more than once using different names, please just ask for one MAD prize. If you live anywhere outside of the US & Canada email me with WINNER in the subject line and I’ll autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email a high res image to you. You can print it out & no one should know the difference. (I’ve done it quite a few times already and people say the photo looks great.)

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