Yes, it’s the Portable Water Bottle Shower. Great for hot weather, it lets you turn almost any plastic soda bottle into convenient outdoor dog shower. Fill up to a 2 liter soda bottle with water and snap Kurgo’s MUD DOG onto bottle neck. Now when you’re down in the park and it’s hot, just tip or squeeze the bottle to cool off your dog, or even yourself. And when it raining or wet outside, you can use this to rinse off your dog’s muddy paws, your shoes, etc. before you enter the house. This can also be used as a shower when camping or hiking, or even a portable beach shower. Great if you need to rinse off after being in salt water.

But wait, there’s more!

As you’ll see on this week’s video, there’s also a mini version of the Portable Water Bottle Shower. That one is small enough to clip on a dog leash or key chain using the built-in mini-chain and clasp! It’s said to work on smaller water bottles and it’s great for tiny dogs. Even though it’s very small it does produce a nice spray as you also see in the video on this week’s show.

Giz Wiz Video: 

MUD DOG showerhead on Amazon:  $11.99 on 4/17/21

Mini Version on Amazon: $9.99 on 4/17/21 As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases. You pay no more.

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