Looks of companies make bird feeders with built-in cameras. Bird Buddy makes several of them and they’re very popular. But now they’re introducing something new, called Petal. As you can see in the photo is could be a “What The Heck Is It?” gadget. It’s an HD camera on a bendable stalk that I guess is supposed to look like a flower. It has a fake leaf that may be offered as an optional solar panel to keep the camera battery charged. The idea is to place Petal in your garden and instead of birds, you’ll see things like bees, butterflies and maybe things you don’t want to see like Lantern Flies and mosquitoes. It’s expected to sell for about $99 and will be featured as a Kickstarter project sometime in the Spring. You’ll more about Petal from the company on this week’s show.

The Bird Buddy Website: https://mybirdbuddy.com/

See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/2023