I’ve seen boats with small electric outboard motors, but nothing like the E-Motion 180E. This is a 180 HP outboard that company says is noiseless, odorless and smokeless with a responsiveness that is not felt with traditional gas engines outboards. More from Vision Technology: Our estimated range is 70 miles at a cruising speed of 20 mph or 3.5 hours. These factors depend on: type of boat, weather conditions, load and propeller. Speed and range indications do not represent a legal guarantee. You can recharge your batteries at any marina or your personal dock, using a 220 V power outlet. Fully recharge your battery overnight. The spokesperson at the boat show said a retail price was not available because the engine will only be available as a package from select boat builders. However I saw an article on the Forbes website that did state a price: Included in the powertrain package is the engine, battery pack, BMS (Battery management system), charger, monitor, throttle controls and all the other components needed to power your boat are included with the E-Motion 180E. The E-Motion 180 is made up of a 650-volt electric motor, 60-kilowatt lithium battery pack and 220-volt marine connecting charger, with throttle controls, a monitor and a two-year warranty on the motor. The complete package goes for about $79,000, including $27,000 for the motor. But it’s worth mentioning that e-boats using Vision Marine technology also are available for rent.

Company videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4nD3YNZcCo&t=13s

 See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/1869