Me too, and that’s when I remembered prism spectacles, which are sometimes referred to a bed-glasses. I had a pair many years ago, but recently bought new ones branded Evelots. Prism spectacles allow users to read text or watch television from a lying down position. They’re a big help because you don’t have to crane or bend your neck in awkward positions. Lay completely flat in bed with a book propped up in your lap or view a television on a wall or table. These lay flat bed reading glasses are also a big help for limited mobility or bed-ridden patients. Watching television with them I find the TV experience is not as immersible as watching it in a sitting position with the glasses. That might be because when I’m laying almost flat in my recliner chair, I am a big further back from the TV. Prism spectacles accommodate your regular eyeglasses. I wear mine over my usual eyewear which are prescription glasses for reading, an magnifier glasses for distance and TV. These glasses do not magnify or focus images on their own, but simply tilt images at a 90-degree angle in order to view vertical images while in a horizontal position. Made of durable plastic with mirrors. The company adds this note: These glasses are to be used for a short periods only. Please remove the glasses before falling asleep. Do not wear while walking/in motion as they can be disorientating. One pair was about $10.00, but two pair were $15 when I bought them and they were still that price on 3/21/20. – As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases