Wow, forget about going through your box of transformer plugs if you need to power a smaller gadget and can’t find the one that came with it. I found an impressive power supply kit, the IBERLS 24W AC DC Power Supply. It offers 5V 6V 7V 8V 9V 10V 11V 12V 13V 14V 15V 16V 17V 18V 19V 20V, at 1A 1.5A 2A 2.5A 3A Amp. So an adapter that goes from 5V to 20V is a bigger range than anything I own, or have seen.Here’s a bit more from Amazon: Compatibility 24W Replacement Power Adapter Suitable For Variety of Home Electronics, USB Hub Tablet, LED Strips, CCTV camera system, Household Routers, Roku Speakers, Smart Phone, Monitor, DVR, DVD Player, HDMI Converter, Kindle, rowing machine, games consoles, Raspberry Pi 4 / Pi 3. Unique voltage regulator that controls the voltage through a smart chip. It was about $17.00 on 12/22/22.
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