On this week’s show before we take a look at Present Pets Minis, we take a look back at the best unboxing ever. It’s from Present Pets too and picked by both of us as a best of 2020. Then we see their newest and much lower priced toy. Here’s info about them from the company: Unbox an adorable trio of Present Pets Minis with the Fluffy BFFs 3-Pack! Inside the gift boxes, you’ll find 3 exclusive plush pets, an adoption certificate, a deluxe doghouse, pet carrier box and 3 sticker sheets. Lift the tab on the left side of the large box to transform it into the deluxe doghouse – the roof on the left pops up and the door opens, revealing a 3-inch plush pet! From The Giz Wiz: It’s certainly not the impact of the original unboxing, but that one cost $40 to $90 depending on where you could buy it. The Minis Three pack on the other hand sells for under $20. I think young kids will love these too. It’s seems to be a fair amount of fun and play value for the money.
Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/HPB_6xKV2V4
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See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/1852