Here’s info via this new company: Welcome to Geeek Club, the easy and FUN way to gain engineering skills. It’s no secret, engineering is one of the single most valuable skillsets you can have in this day and age. For anyone who wants to work on their inventor muscles, there’s no better way to start! Develop your technical abilities without boring yourself to tears with courses and textbooks. Imagine a world where light is the only available power source, and robots scour the land in search of the precious energy to keep them going. Those robots would function in a very similar way to these nano-smart bots! With light sensors and vibro-motors, these robots will intelligently move toward any light source, giving you endless amusement and an amazing conversation starter. Their size makes them the perfect décor for your office desk and kids love playing with these bite-sized robots.

Here’s their kickstarter page where kits were still available for as little as $99 as of 3/20/20

IMPORTANT: It’s possible the Virus crisis could affect their ability to delivery the product, so be sure to check their website for updates.

Giz Wiz Video: 

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