This is a very versatile fan, with a sort of strange Amazon name: JISULIFE . It’s folds small enough to fit into a pocket and it has a 4800 mAh battery that can double as an emergency phone charger. And a flashlight that can double as a task light as you’ll see on today’s show. After a full charge which takes 3-4 hours the company says it can get up to 46 fan hours at speed 1 (low), 35 hours at speed 2 (med.), and 13 hours at speed 3 (high). Maximum RPM’s is 3400 rpm which is enough for personal use to keep you cool. The Power Bank Function is 5V/1A which is slow, but probably enough in an emergency. The flashlight feature works when fan is not spinning since they both use the same button. The flashlight is quite bright the task lights works great too. With the included lanyard you can hang it on your wrist or travel backpack. Safety wise, if you touch the blades, the fan instantly stops! With feature plus surge and short circuit protection, this sounds like a handy, safe gadget. Was $18.99 on 5/28/22
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