When I got an email from BH photo that the Sunpak VL-LED-09was reduced from $24. 95 to $7.95, I immediately ordered one. For that price I thought, ‘hopefully I might be able to use this!’ First some info from BH Photo. The Sunpak VL-LED-09 Compact Video Light is powered by three AAA batteries. It comes with a shoe mount that makes the light compatible with all cameras and camcorders. The ultra-compact Video Light delivers better color, contrast and clarity when shooting video in low-light situations. The 9 tiny LEDs bathe your subjects in rich warm light. They never heat up, no-matter how long you have the light on. Plus, the compact housing weighs only 1.6 ounces and is the perfect size to carry along with your camera. It even has a threaded base for mounting on a tripod. – And they didn’t even mention it comes with a diffuser filter and color-correcting filter. It was a bargain and it was fun making the video about it, but I don’t have definite use for it yet. It was back to $24.95 on 3/26/21. Strangely, there is a 12 LED light version of this Sunpak light for under $20 on Amazon. More LED’s, less $. I’m not sure why.
Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/W88lDauplI8
Amazon: Looks like the same device, but with 12 LEDS: https://amzn.to/3sicgxP Under $20 As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases. You pay no more.
BH Photo: Back to $24.99 on 3/25/21 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/819616-REG/Sunpak_VL_LED_09_VL_LED_09_Compact_Video_Light.html
See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/1824