Well, you can do that at home for very little money. Check out the Rybozen Pic Scanner. It’s a portable, mobile film scanner that works with your smartphone. It’s a barebones plastic folding slide scanner with a built in LED backlight. To use, just insert a slide or negative into the tray, turn on the LED backlight, place the lens of your smart phone over the hole, frame it the way you want, then click to capture. Now you have a digital image you can send to your computer, email, etc. The device folds fold for storage or travel. The company says it’s compatible with 35mm color negatives, 35mm black and white negatives, and 35mm color slides. The free Rybozen app lets you scan, edit, crop, rotate, filter, adjust color and contrast; and share on social media! I downloaded the app and outside of being able to adjust the color, I couldn’t find a way to do anything else. There doesn’t seem to be any instruction guide. But it’s cheap, and it did work on my color slides! Besides, once you have a digital image, you can use it in other apps. Under $20 as of 10/16/22.
Check the latest price on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3T8LHZM
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