The Ulta Lit Light Keeper PRO 01201 is said to be “The Complete Tool for Fixing Miniature Light Sets.” Watch the demo by the guy who invented it. He does it on this week’s show. Their website says that mini-incandescent holiday bulbs only last up to 2,000 hours. Depending on use, a light set’s bulbs can be used to their full capacity in one season. To give your light set the best chance of lasting, be sure to change any burned out (unlit) bulbs within lit sections immediately. The regular version for incandescent holiday lights in $24.99 on Amazon. There’s also a version for LED holiday lights, in the photo, which is $29.99.
Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/IbDEG91tJvM
Check the latest price on Amazon: Light Keeper Pro: https://amzn.to/3Pzj8Sb
Light Keeper LED: https://amzn.to/3ptr0dn
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See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/1897