That’s not Charlie in the photo. He’s not convinced he wants to use the stairs yet, but we’re working on it!
Our rescue terrier Charlie is getting a bit older. He’s probably about 9 years or so and he now he hesitates jumping off the bed in the morning. My bed is very high, so I have lift him onto the bed before he goes to sleep. I thought doggie stairs be the answer. So I purchased the 4 tier OZD Dog Stairs. They’re said to be perfect for small pets, short-legged pets, elderly pets, or pets with injuries and osteoarthritis. When they arrive they are the tightest vacuum packed thing I ever bought on Amazon. You’ll see them pop open on this week’s show. And what did Charlie think of them. You’ll see that too! I like the zipper design of the soft corduroy fabric that makes it easy to remove for cleaning. Prices vary depending 2, 3, or 4 steps. They range from about $22 to $44 as of 9/7/23
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