For our special CES shows, we go back in time and find a video we shot at a CES show years ago. We pick a video about a product that may or may not have actually made it into production. Or maybe it did, but no one bought it, and the company has folded. We show the video without having checked up on it in all the past years. Then Chad, I and the chatroom try to guess, “Is this gadget still around? Or: “Was this gadget ever made?”

For this week’s show I found a video I shot 5 years ago, at CES 2019. The gadget is from Whill Personal Electronics. It’s an autonomous chair you might find at an airport. You use your smartphone to call it. When it arrives you get on it and tell it where you want to go. Like maybe the gate 25, or Luggage Pickup. The spokesperson said it was already being tested a a few airports? Did it make it into production? Watch this week’s show and see!

See or hear this show:


Submit Your Gadget Warehouse Video & Win An Autographed MAD Magazine.

We’d love to include your video in an upcoming Giz Wiz Show!

1. Video can be ANYTHING about a gadget: I bought a piece of crap. I bought a gadget I love. I have an old gadget I can’t part with because it was ‘high tech’ years ago! Even a ‘What The Heck Is It? Gadget.

2. Videos should be just 2 to 3 minutes long in Horizontal Format! Low production value is fine, but we need to hear you and see your gadget clearly! You can be in the video if you like.

3. Post your Video on YouTube and click ‘unlisted’ when you upload it if you want, but not “Private” or we won’t be able to see it. Send us the URL link from YouTube.

4. If we show your video (and we show 99% of them) and live in the US or Canada you’ll get an autographed current issue of MAD.) But no matter where you live outside of the US & Canada, I’ll autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email you a high res image. Just print it out, frame it, or just hang it up and no one will know it’s a copy. We’ve tested it out and fans say they look terrific!

All show submissions go to


This week’s email of the week is from Rachel Ziese.

She told us she found the USB Astronaut Task Light that is voice controlled on Walmart.

I did a video about about about a month here ago here:

She found it at Walmart on clearance. (Like under $4.00 – It was still there on 1/17/25)