Our email and warehouse video is from Jeff & Adam who write:
Good Morning Gentlemen,
I wanted to send you a new Gadget warehouse video on yet another item that is getting returned. It is basically an immersive device for playing and watching various movies and games. The problem is not only does it make the user look like a Superhero, but it is very uncomfortable and doesn’t really add much to the experience. Needless to say it is going back to the store.
Love the show – Take care Jeff and Adam
Jeff’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eYdem4fcnF4
See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/2019
Submit Your Gadget Warehouse Video & Win An Autographed MAD Magazine.
We’d love to include your video in an upcoming Giz Wiz Show!
1. Video can be ANYTHING about a gadget: I bought a piece of crap. I bought a gadget I love. I have an old gadget I can’t part with because it was ‘high tech’ years ago! Even a ‘What The Heck Is It? Gadget.
2. Videos should be just 2 to 3 minutes long in Horizontal Format! Low production value is fine, but we need to hear you and see your gadget clearly! You can be in the video if you like.
3. Post your Video on YouTube and click ‘unlisted’ when you upload it if you want, but not “Private” or we won’t be able to see it. Send us the URL link from YouTube.
4. If we show your video (and we show 99% of them) and live in the US or Canada you’ll get an autographed current issue of MAD.) But no matter where you live outside of the US & Canada, I’ll autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email you a high res image. Just print it out, frame it, or just hang it up and no one will know it’s a copy. We’ve tested it out and fans say they look terrific!
All show submissions go to mail@gizwiz.tv
Email of the week is from Steve C. in Phoenix who emails us:
Hi Dick and Chad, it’s not my video but I thought you would like this since it’s got LED lights!
The Beardaments beard Christmas lights for your beard. Steve C.
From the Giz Wiz: I didn’t want to run someone else’s video without their permission, but I did find a link to the bizarre gadget in the video. You can’t believe how many companies are making these. Check them out on Amazon: https://amzn.to/4flHpbv
As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases. You pay no more.
Thanks for finding this truly weird gadget, Steve!