More than 80 people had the exact wrong answer – it was NOT correct tape, but we picked 2 at random to be winners:
White Out Tape – Burninfresh
It is a correction tape dispenser – Bill Chambers
A lot of ‘whale’ answers. We picked two at random:
It’s a Beluga whale squirt toy. Carole Marciano
Wally the Whale from Finding Nemo. Unfortunately, he was cut from the film. Skullman
A lot of answers invovled some sort of car, we picked one at random:
Model of the newest self driving car. -Ian Winkler
And a bunch of ‘snail’ answers. We picked one at random:
Temporary snail shell 🐌 Reneé LeClair
Other winning answers:
Dental floss dispenser with a back up spool. Keith Phillip
Lint remover for clothing. JohnFromMichigan
Pencil unsharpener to make pencils safer. Calsage
Fast forward/reverse device for toilet paper. Dario Razum
False Teeth dispenser! Will Curtiss
A Cubist Picasso sculpture of a Smurf made during his Blue Period. John Schroeder
WINNERS (Who live in the U.S.& I’ll try to send to Canada) get the August 2022 issue of MAD. Even though MAD moved to LA in December 2017 I’m continuing the WTHII game and sending out MAD magazines to winners since so many people say they love to play it. Winners of MAD magazine are for US addresses only, although I have been able to send MAD magazine to some locations in Canada. If you win and live in the US or Canada, email me your full name & address and put MAD WINNER in the subject so I can pick it out easily. I’ll autograph your MAD with your first name & my name unless you specify “Dick’s name only”. If you’d rather have one of those 40+ year old Alfred E. Neuman pictures, instead of the MAD magazine, put “SEND ALFRED PIC NOT MAD” in the subject line. Soon, they will be no more of those either. The remaining Alfred E pics were shipped to MAD in LA. If you won more than once using different names, please just ask for one MAD. If you live anywhere outside of the US & Canada email me with WINNER in the subject line and I’ll autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email it to you. You can print it out & no one should know the difference. (I’ve done it quite a few times already and people say the photo looks great.)
Email me at gizwizbiz@gmail.com