It’s March and for Chad’s new March Crappy Corner Theme our Patreons have voted and picked is Cheap Office Gadgets.

Chad’s 3rd Cheap Office Gadget is the Copy and Paste 2-Key Keyboard

Chad says this gadget could be a way to avoid the dreaded Carpal tunnel syndrome in your home office. How, but eliminating repetitive keystrokes. This mini keyboard has the default function of “Copy” and “Paste”. You can also use it for other functions, such as Shortcut keys, Multi-step operation, Multi-key in one, Cut, Undo, Redo, etc. You can also control the LED light color and gradient mode of the case through the software or website. It comes with a 3’ USB-micro cable and is Plug and Play for Windows users. (Instructions for Mac users is online.) No Software or website required for Copying and Pasting. The link below takes you to the Amazon page where you can buy all sorts of mini-keyboards, some up to 6 buttons you can program. I’d love to have a Control, Alt, Delete single button! The 2-button device Chad was $12.99. When I checked Amazon on 3/29/24 w/ a $2 off coupon. Be aware the 2-button model seems to be on AliExpress for as little as 49 cents!!

Check the latest price on Amazon:

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