Chad’s theme for November, as picked by our loyal Patreons, is Cheap Thrift Store Gadgets.

And Chad’s final Thrift Store gadget is The Leap Frog Explorer. As you’ll see on week’s show, this is an electronic globe that can give you location info, what the country produces, music info and all sorts of other learning tidbits. That of course is assuming it worked. Sadly, Chad couldn’t get it to work even though he put in brand new batteries. But, as we learned, the Leap Frog Explorer Globe, in working order I assume, sells on ebay in the $75 to $85 range.

But wait, why would you pay that, because Chad found there’s a brand new version from Leap Frog with a LCD screen that’s just a few dollars more than some of the used ones. It’s called the LeapFrog Magic Adventures Globe

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