Winners with Cute, Clever Could-be Answers.

When we had many similar answers, like ‘toaster’ or ‘mustache’ variations we picked one or two at random It’s a wide lipstick that applies color instantly to whole lips. -Vesa It is the thing at the hospital where they dispose of used needles. Bryon J. Hammer...

Here’s The Nov/Dec 2023 “What The Heck Is It?” Game!

Do you know what the heck it is? To play, come up with the right answer, or make up a silly, or inventive answer that we find funny or clever that describes the gizmo shown. We give away up to 18 autographed copies of MAD Magazine. (Up to 6 for the correct answer, up...

Winners with Cute, Clever, Could-be Answers.

A port hole for a fish tank showing a psychedelic TV station. Dawn It looks like the entrance to the Time Tunnel. (TV Show from the 60’s.) Ian Winkler  One of those buzzer gadgets you get at a restaurant to let you know your food is ready at the counter. Carole...

Here’s The September/October 2023 “What The Heck Is It?” Game

Do you know What The Heck It Is? To play, come up with the right answer, or make up a silly, or inventive answer that we find funny or clever that describes the gizmo shown. We give away up to 18 autographed copies of MAD Magazine. (Up to 6 for the correct answer, up...