Here Are The Winners of May/June 2022 WTHII Game!

Here are the six winners we picked with the right answer. Most even had the correct brand name: Glue Dots. It is a little device you run over something you want to stick to something else. As you roll it, it puts down a row of sticky dots. Glue Dots still made and...

Cute, Clever, and ‘It Might Be That’ Answers That Won

More than 80 people had the exact wrong answer – it was NOT correct tape, but we picked 2 at random to be winners: White Out Tape – Burninfresh It is a correction tape dispenser – Bill Chambers A lot of ‘whale’ answers. We picked two at random: It’s...

Here’s The New May/June 2022 “What The Heck Is It?” Gadget!

Do you know ‘what the heck it is’? To play, come up with the right answer, or make up a silly, or inventive answer that we find funny or clever that describes the gizmo shown. We give away up to 18 autographed copies of MAD Magazine. (Up to 6 for the...

Here Are The Winners of March/April 2022 WTHII Game!

The gadget is the Kitchen IQ 2-in-1 herb/pizza cutter. It features two stainless steel wheels for cutting herbs. The red button pushes the two wheels together for slicing pizzas! We have 3 winners with the actual answer: The March item is a pizza cutter. Spooky80030 A...