Asus introduces a new feature rich laptop w/ dual displays!

Meet the new ASUS Zenbook Duo Laptop with Dual 14” OLED Touch Screen Displays. You’ll see this impressive computer on this week’s show. When I first open the laptop, it looks like a typical laptop. Then I remove the magnetic liftoff Bluetooth keyboard to reveal a...

Ever Hear Of A “Sweet Tweet”? Now You Have!

It’s the Fingerlings by Wowwee This is one cute and intelligent bird! Wowwee says your Fingerling‘s heart beats and greets you as soon as you put them on your finger, because they really know it’s you! (Wow, wee love that!} They have rainbow feather crests that...

There’s A Ship In My Bedroom!

I miss my boat and boating since the marina near me closed in 2021. So when I found this 3′ X 5′ background I had to buy it! It’s now my bed headboard! Wow, I never knew about about these great inexpensive photo & video backgrounds. They’re from...