It’s the ProTech Trader 30w Universal Power Supply Reversible Polarity 3v-12 Volt DC 30 watt 2.5 amp with USB Port & 8 Adapter Tips. Info from the company: This multivolt 30 Watts (30w 2.5 amp) replacement switching power adapter supply is compatible with 1000s of small electronic devices using requiring 3 volt, 4.5 volt, 5 volt, 6 volt, 9 volt, or 12 volt up to 2.5a or 30 watts including many Electronics, Tablets, Routers, Smart Phones, Speakers, etc. Please NOTE USB Port Limit is 1.0amps Includes 8 Interchangeable DC Tips/Plugs of the most popular sizes. Please make sure your device is one of these size jacks on it for proper fit and the standard center positive polarity. This new upgraded model comes with a USB port built inREVERSE Polarity DC Tip. See it in operation on this week’s show. Under $18 as of 12/17/20
Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/oNcRcbP23Rs
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