Chad’s Favorite Writing Tablet Gets An Upgrade To Color!

Chad loves his ReMarkable digital writing tablet. It was on his ‘best of list for 2024″. At CES, they introduced a new version, the reMarkable Paper Pro. Here’s what the company says about it: Bring paper into your digital workflow with reMarkable...

Greatest Looking Smart Pet Door Chad & I Have Ever Seen!

The company says that unlike other pet doors, the Pawport Smart Pet Door closes firmly to form a direct weatherproof seal between your home and the outdoors. Not only will this save on your heating/cooling bill, but it will greatly eliminate an easy access point for...

This Is Not For The Birds!

Looks of companies make bird feeders with built-in cameras. Bird Buddy makes several of them and they’re very popular. But now they’re introducing something new, called Petal. As you can see in the photo is could be a “What The Heck Is It?” gadget. It’s an HD camera...

Dick’s Gadget Warehouse, CES Version.

For our special CES shows, we go back in time and find a video we shot at a CES show years ago. We pick a video about a product that may or may not have actually made it into production. Or maybe it did, but no one bought it, and the company has folded. We show the...

The “Best Of” 2024 — Gadgets Chad & I Liked A Lot!

What? A Disco Light Alarm Clock For Heavy Sleepers – with Bed Shaker! It can charge your phone overnight too! Okay, so it’s really not billed as a “disco alarm clock”, but it does have ever-changing RGB colors on the clock face as one of the options. (My favorite, of...