Chad’s Crappy Corner

Chad’s May theme is Cheap Gadgets From Off-Price Retailers! Chad’s final off-price gadget is the Goodyear Organizer Hook. Chad found this at his local Ross store for $4, almost half the normal $7-$8 selling price. It’s for hanging shopping bags, or most any kind of...

Dick’s Gadget Warehouse

Our email this week is from From: Jason Peddicord and it’s about the ProPlatform which many of us in chat did not know about. If you’re a DIY you may know about these, if not, be sure watch Jason’s video: Jason adds: I forgot to mention that I paid around $110 or $115...

Two Great Ways To Add LED Lighting To Closets, Under-counter Areas, Etc.

Motion Sensor LED Light System w/ a base to charge 3 of them at once. The company is Anmeery. (Yes, weird Amazon spelling.) What’s different about these LED lights is that you don’t have to make the decision of buying ‘warm white’ or ‘cool white’. When you install...

Giz Wiz Show #1989, Thursday May 23rd, 2024.

Wow! We’re in year 19 of The Giz Wiz Show! (So, big deal.) The first Giz Wiz Show – called The Daily Giz Wiz back then – was February 20th 2006! If it wasn’t for our loyal supporters, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you’d like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our...