Chad’s Crappy Corner

Chad polled our loyal Patreons to have them pick his new June theme. Their choice was ‘train gadgets’, or more broadly, gadgets you can use on trains, or in cars, buses, or any form of transportation. For his 2nd Train Gadget Chad actually booked, and took a day long...

Dick’s Gadget Warehouse

Our video this week is from our most loyal and frequent contributor Mo Torres, who sends a video that starts out in the dark, but then reveals a great light-up gadget! Here’s Mo’s video: YouTube: And the gadget in the video is the GlowCity...

Giz Wiz Show #1991, Thursday June 6th 2024.

Wow! We’re in year 19 of The Giz Wiz Show! (So, big deal.) The first Giz Wiz Show – called The Daily Giz Wiz back then – was February 20th 2006! If it wasn’t for our loyal supporters, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you’d like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our...

Do You Need A Flashlight With This Many Strange Features?

Meet The 14-Feature Flashlight w/Alarm The Boruit V10 mini edc flashlight was a ‘deal of the day’ and had a lot of good reviews, so I bought one to check out. It has a maximum brightness up to 1000 lumens, plus 6 color lights side of the flashlight, plus a black...

A Strange What The Heck Is It?

As you’ll see on the show, it’s the INNCNN Remote Scrolling Ring . This scrolling ring is said to do a lot! With the TikTok remote scrolling ring, users can effortlessly control page scrolling, adjust volume, play/pause, and like videos, all free from...