Chad’s Crappy Corner

Chad polled our loyal Patreons to have them pick his new June theme. Their choice was ‘train gadgets’, or more broadly, gadgets you can use for trains, cars, buses, or any form of transportation. For his 2nd Train Gadget segment Chad was actually aboard a train again...

Dick’s Gadget Warehouse

Our video this week is from Joe Petix, who simply emails us with the subject: My new Nail File. Here’s Joe’s video: thanks, joe petix From the Giz Wiz: I found one a file that looks just like the one in Joe’s video, and as he said in this video, it’s under $10.00 on...

Giz Wiz Show #1992, Thursday June 13th 2024.

Wow! We’re in year 19 of The Giz Wiz Show! (So, big deal.) The first Giz Wiz Show – called The Daily Giz Wiz back then – was February 20th 2006! If it wasn’t for our loyal supporters, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you’d like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our...

The Most Unique Housewares Accessory I Found At The Show.

First, some amazing figures. Could you ever guess that there are 1.5 billion chopsticks tossed out each week! That’s 5.4 trillion chopsticks per year. Fortunately, Renew By Trinity is transforming this valuable, raw material and giving it a purposeful well-designed...

Dreamfarm Shows Off Their Flapple!

Flapple? What’s a Flapple? Well, it’s a Fold-Flat Apple Corer & Slicer with A Mini Cutting Board & Blade Safety Cover! The company says it’t space-saving and portable, thanks to the raised handles that fold-flat. The fold-flat handles lock the base to cover...