Winners of the Jan/Feb WTHII Game With The Correct Answer.

The number of correct answers amazed me! I thought this was one of the most obscure gadgets I ever used, yet almost 50 people knew what it was. Brett not only knew what it was, but where to buy it!  Out of all the right answers we picked six, mostly at random....

The Upside Down Challenge Game

When the world is flipped upside down, EVERYTHING becomes a challenge! Here’s more of what Vango says about their new upcoming game for summer. Family game night just got a lot more fun! The UpsideDownChallenge Game will keep your friends and family laughing out...

Cute, Clever & Could Be Answers.

Most given answers were: Cigar Cutter and Nail Trimmer, so we picked one of each of them at random. The rest of answers were pretty clever other uses for the device! Competitor to the nerf guns. Instead of nerf bullets put 2 old AA batteries in & use the levers to...

Two Fun Gadgets From Toy Fair 2020!

Meet the Big Mouth Humongous Sprinklers! The one in the photo is the over-9-feet-tall Ginormous Giraffe Yard Sprinkler. Even the description the company supplies is clever: It takes backyard entertainment to the “necks” level. Sure, the kids could run...