Ever heard of LED Gloves? Yes, they’re a thing now!

If you show these odd shaped things to someone, it would be hard to figure out what they are. But as you’ll see in the video, they’re LED Flashlight Gloves. On the Amazon website page I was on, they were two pair for roughly $15.00 or $7.50 each. I got 2...

Giz Wiz Show #1787 July 9, 2020 Independent Show #268

This is show #13 of year 15!! Plus it’s our 5th year of Independent Production! (First Giz Wiz show was February 20th, 2006.) Thanks to our wonderful Patreon supporters we’re now going into year 15. If it wasn’t for our supporters the Giz Wiz Show...

A Chad Extra And It’s Not One Of His Crappy Gadgets — It’s Good!

The folks at Anker wanted us to be among the first to install and check out the brand new Eufy Security Smart Lock with Touch Fingerprint Scanner, Keyless Entry Door Lock, Local Bluetooth Electronic Deadbolt and Touchscreen Keypad. The company says the Smart Lock...

The Giz Wiz Becomes “The Sand Man”

The saga of having the brownstone where the Giz Wiz studio is converting from oil heat to gas heat continues. All the big equipment needed in the basement has to through my apartment into the backyard and then down the basement. To get the new water heater in they had...

Chad’s Crappy Corner and His New Cheap Gadget Theme for July.

A perfect choice for Chad’s July Cheap Gadget Theme as picked by our loyal Patreons is “Cheap Summer Solar Gadgets”. Chad’s second summer gadget is the Tedco Solar Balloon. The description says using this solar balloon teaches kids the Bernoullis Principle...