UPDATE! I found a larger version of the LED Gooseneck clip lamp above on Amazon, so of course, I bought one. The in-line control of the light seems pretty much the same, but it has a bigger, heavier clamp & a wider lamp head, about 3″ in diameter. It was a...
A couple of weeks ago I talk about a new LED gooseneck clip lamp I bought and liked a lot. Leo, and it seems many others, bought one or more of them. (I bought two.) About a week after I bought them, I got an email from Amazon with info about another gooseneck lamp I...
This is show #14 of year 15!! Plus it’s our 5th year of Independent Production! (First Giz Wiz show was February 20th, 2006.) Thanks to our wonderful Patreon supporters we’re now going into year 15. If it wasn’t for our supporters the Giz Wiz Show...
I didn’t know about Wacky Packages Minis, but now I do. And if you don’t know about them, you will after you watch this week’s show. But I can tell you about them now. They’re mini, almost MAD-like reproductions of famous products. For example...
I’ve always loved seeing a clapboard in use. It often indicated you were ‘backstage’ about to record something new and unique. I never thought about owning one until I came across this on Amazon. Here’s a bit of what TYCKA says about...
Known as MAD’s Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC’s World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV.