A Really Versatile Hand Warmer

With the pretty much unpronounceable name – XIAOQIAO – this is a 4-in-1 Rechargeable Hand Warmer.  With a 10000mAh battery, this portable double-sided hand warmer has 3 adjustable heat levels with a digital display. Although the description says: “You can...

Did You Know There’s Such A Thing As A Heated Mouse House?

I showed two of them, so does that make them Heated Mice Houses? No, I believe heated mouse houses is correct. The “Claw” Palotix USB Heated Mouse Pad/Hand Warmer is said to keep your hands warm and cozy, as it heats up to 113 degrees. There’s an integrated...

Two Heated Mouse Houses.

I showed two of them, so does that make them Heated Mice Houses? No, I believe heated mouse houses is correct. The “Claw” Palotix USB Heated Mouse Pad/Hand Warmer is said to keep your hands warm and cozy, as it heats up to 113 degrees. There’s an integrated wrist pad...