I’m Not A Fan Of This Fan.

Chad showed his solar hat with built-in fan and found it wasn’t very good. Then in a burst of stupidity I decided to buy a different kind of solar fan. One designed to fit on any kind of baseball cap. That way I could wear my MAD cap, or even my World News Now...

Not A Worst Of Gadgets, But Definitely ‘A Weirdest Of’ Gadget!

This was almost like MAD Magazine at CES 2020! Meet the $34 Smart Potato cleverly named POTATO. As impossible as it sounds you can make any potato smart by inserting a blade-like device developed by Nicolas Baldeck. (Nicolas had a booth in the French section of Eureka...

Giz Wiz Show #1812 December 31, 2020 Independent Show #291 

This is our 5th year of Independent Production! (First Giz Wiz show was February 20th, 2006.) Thanks to our wonderful Patreon supporters we’re now going into year 15. If it wasn’t for our supporters the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you’d like to...

Chad’s Final ‘Extra’ For December.

Every week in December Chad has been doing a ‘gadget extra’. Chad’s extra this week is the Oreo ID! What is that you ask? Well, we all know Oreo has been big in releasing all kinds of special Oreo flavors and colors. But now they’re doing...

Aching Shoulders? The OVELY Shiatsu Back & Neck Massager Might Help.

A friend said this device is amazing and I should buy one. So I did! First, a bit of info from the company: This Ovely Shiatsu Back & Neck Pain Relief Massager Deep Kneading with Heat Pain Relief gives you the ultimate massage experience with its ergonomic design...