Heard Of Lazy Susan? Well, Meet Something Better – The Crazy Susan.

Yes, it looks like a lazy susan, but this one by YouCopia is labeled a crazy susan because it has a few extra features. First, there are 3 clear plastic bins to organize your spices, etc. The sides are great to keep items from falling off the turntable where you...

1byOne Wireless Driveway Alert Alarm Kit

I get the NY Times delivered in NYC everyday. Problem is, it’s just dropped in front of my building where anyway can pick it up. It’s usually delivered by 6 AM, so most days I get it before it disappears. But I wanted to find a way to know exactly when...

The Giz Wiz Show # 1819 – Thursday 2/18/21 Independent Show #298

It’s another Anniversary!! This is our 5th year of Independent Production & on February 20th our 15th Anniversary! (The first Giz Wiz Show (The Daily Giz Wiz back then was February 20th 2006!) Thanks to our wonderful Patreon supporters we’re now going...

1byOne Wireless Driveway Alert Alarm Kit

I get the NY Times delivered in NYC everyday. Problem is, it’s just dropped in front of my building where anyway can pick it up. It’s usually delivered by 6 AM, so most days I get it before it disappears. But I wanted to find a way to know exactly when...