Meet Two Of My Newest Fans!

Figrol NeckfanI bought two neck fans during a really bad heat wave in June 2021 in NYC. Day after day of 90+ degree weather and high humidity. Air conditioning in my apartment and Gizneyland studio kept me comfortable inside, but I need something for the outdoors. A...

What Is Quake Hold?

It’s Museum Putty! Still not clear? The manufacturer explains: Quake Hold! Museum Putty secures antiques, collectibles, figurines and more from falling and breaking. It can be used on most surfaces, including ceramics, porcelains and laminates, as well as on...

Show #1840 Thursday July 15th 2021 Independent Show 319 

Wow! We’re in year 16 of The Giz Wiz Show! (The first Giz Wiz Show – called The Daily Giz Wiz back then – was February 20th 2006!) If it wasn’t for our loyal supporters, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you’d like to support OMGchad & DickDe in...