This 1st gadget I believe we saw at CES a few years back, the electronic spoon! Here’s info on that from the company: SpoonTEK uses an ”ion sensory technology”, a first for eating utensils that combines electric stimulation and tongue sensory. It generates a...
Here’s a fun fidget gadget! It’s the LENORAD Fidget Advent Calendar 2022 w/Christmas Toys. I think kids, parents, well everybody will love this Christmas Fidget Advent Calendar 2022 toys with 24 days of surprising sensory toys. They include Santa pop-it...
Chad’s theme for November, as picked by our loyal Patreons, is Cheap Thrift Store Gadgets. And Chad’s final Thrift Store gadget is The Leap Frog Explorer. As you’ll see on week’s show, this is an electronic globe that can give you location...
This week’s viewer video is from Bill Holmes and it’s quite remarkable. A true “warehouse video”!! Hi Dick and Chad. It has been 7 years since my last gadget warehouse video so I figured it’s time for another. I found this gadget hiding in a closet in a...
It’s the LENORAD Fidget Advent Calendar 2022 w/Christmas Toys. I think kids, parents, well everybody will love this Christmas Fidget Advent Calendar 2022 toys with 24 days of surprising sensory toys. They include Santa pop-it bubble fidget toys, Wind-Up car toy,...
Known as MAD’s Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC’s World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV.