Congratulations!!! To us!! The Giz Wiz Show celebrates year 19 with this show!! And Chad Johnson has co-hosted more than half of them! Actually, 11 years of them! Thank you Chad!!! (The first Giz Wiz Show was Feb 20th, 2006 on TWiT!)

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The first gadget on this week’s show was designed to dry a lot of things in your home.

But there’s a BIG down-side! First, a bit about what it’s supposed to do, via Amazon.

This portable clothes dryer dries your clothes quickly and efficiently. You can choose different speeds and drying times according to the material and fabric of the clothes. This portable dryer can not only be used to dry clothes, but also shoes. It can also be used as a heater to dry hands, quilts, etc.

And the down-side? It has the ability to overheat fast! You’ll see it happen on this week’s show. I didn’t read the reviews carefully before I bought this, but at least three reviewers said it caught fire, or the case started to melt from the heat. Don’t worry, you can’t buy one. It comes up ‘unavailable’. But you can see the reviews and photos of the product, which were still on line as of 2/21/25..

The Not Available Dangerous Unit:

I found other drying devices on Amazon. To Dry Clothes Only – I have not used this:

A Very Versatile Dryer – I have not used this:

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