Well, there were no correct answers, but it being New Year’s Day when we picked the winners, we decided to give MAD magazines to several people who mentioned it was some sort of cutter.
Actually, it’s designed as a way to make sandwiches that have a filling. Open the device, put in a slice of bread, add the filling and then another slice of bread. Closing this gadgets cuts the bread into a circle and seals the edges to hold the filling inside. I bought this gadget on Amazon, but now it comes up. ‘No Longer Available’.
Those ‘winners’ are:
My guess is that this is used to cut bagels or fruit. Ben from Omaha
It’s a mini veggie slicer Skullman50
That’s a devices that opens up and cuts the top off your soft boiled egg. Carole Marciano.
It is a device for cutting the foil seal on a wine bottle. Bryon J. Hammer.
See how to collect your prize at the bottom of the ‘Cute, Clever, Could Be’ panel below.