It’s for the birds and for people who love watching birds!

Okay, so it’s actually designed not only for birds, but for bird-lovers too. It’s a way for birds to eat, and a way for you to have a close-up look as they do it. It’s called Bird Buddy. You fill it w/bird seed at the back of the bird feeder. Then charge the WiFi enabled live streaming HD camera & place it in Bird Buddy. (The company says a full charge should lalst about 3 months. Also remember since it uses WiFi, it has be within range on your WiFi signal.) Then when birds visit you’ll get a notification on your smart phone. It can take photos of the birds that visit, and it can also analyzes its features and identify it. In the app there’s a way to keep a sort of scrap book of all the birds that visit. The app also indicates when the bird feeder is running low. It’s about $200, and should be available around May/June 2022.
